Note: This article is about promoting your sweepstakes, giveaways, contests and instant win campaigns. See this article for promoting your loyalty rewards program

Now that you've successfully setup and published your campaign, it's time to promote it. Promoting your campaigns is a very critical step.

If you don't promote, they won't come. Successful campaigns depend heavily on promotion.

Let's get your campaign viral…..

  • Use the unique campaign link to promote your campaign.

    Each of your campaigns will have its own unique link.

    So the first step is to get this unique link by going to Gratisfaction admin→ Campaigns→ Click on the Promote icon of the campaign.

    Use this unique link to promote your campaign anywhere. Use it in posts, newsletters, blogs and more. We will automatically redirect them for an optimized experience. For e.g. if you have embedded the campaign on your website, we will redirect clicks on this URL to the tab showing the campaign on your website.

  • Tell your friends:
    Post your campaign link on all your personal social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, email, etc.

  • Share on social media
    Share on your company's social media accounts and consider using hashtags like #win, #giveaway #freebies #contest #sweepstake & #competition

    Be sure to include the campaign's unique link

    • Facebook Change the cover photo to show your campaign graphics and in particular use a catchy title and prize imagery and value.

    • Instagram Consider announcing your campaign and temporarily changing the link in the bio of your Instagram account to the campaign unique link.

    PRO TIP: Note - Pin the post in your Facebook Page and Twitter so it always appears on top

  • Giveaway's websites, forums and Facebook groups:

    Share your campaign in popular giveaways websites and forums. Visitors to these websites are prolific compers (aka sweepers) who will participate and spread the word as well.

    Many times we hear opposition or concern for promoting campaigns to serial participants (aka compers, contestors or sweepers) or allowing them to enter your campaigns.

    Sweepers are not spammers. Further, we have advanced anti-cheat algorithms to block spammers and stop people from gaming the system.

    At the end of the day sweepers are also prospective customers, and like everybody else shop for themselves, their family and friends.

    Sweepers are known to happily share your campaign on social media.

    Additionally activating actions such as share and refer in your campaign will incentivize them to bring organic viral traffic.

    Sweepers can also become your brand advocates and you can also approach them to become influencers.

    Sweepers are just one of the participants to your campaigns and their chance of winning is just about the same as any other participant.

    We also provide you with a feature to make any entry invalid. So if you think an entry is suspicious , simply make it invalid.

    Here are some giveaways websites you can submit your campaign to:

    Online Sweepstakes

  • Your newsletters:

    Promote your campaign in your newsletter. Send a reminder newsletter after a fortnight focussing on the prizes and ease of participation. Add any relevant updates in this reminder newsletter.

  • Partners and suppliers newsletters:

    Approach partners and suppliers and request them to announce your campaign in their newsletters

    To send a newsletter, use ESPs like

  • Reach out to bloggers and influencers:

    Tell some bloggers in your industry, bloggers who talk about giveaways and get some influencers talking about your campaign as well.

  • Facebook ads

    Once your campaign starts to gain some traction, consider doing Facebook Ads with a small budget.

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